Olivia Newton John - Christmas Wish

Has Olivia Newton John managed to churn out yet another appalling generic Christmas release to add to January’s bargain bucket? In all honesty, yes; listening to Christmas Wish is like being given leprosy by Santa instead of that camera you asked for. You know you’re on to a winner when all you have to look forward to is a duet with Barry Manilow, nauseatingly titled ‘Gift of Love’. ‘Christmas On The Radio’ helps the package reach new lows of lyrical tediousness. The running order is also mind-numbingly unfortunate, offering a torturous instrumental interlude after every song. It must have been testing to produce twenty two tracks that sound like Celine Dion’s ‘My Heart Will Go On’, but by God they managed it The only thing remotely pleasing about this album is that it heralds the imminence of Christmas, and imagining Newton John and Tori Amos competing to see how could look waxier than an advent candle on their respective covers.
Amy Zachariah

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